dimethyl sulfoxide

dimethyl sulfoxide; dimethylsulfoxide; dimethyl sulphoxide; DMSO; methylsulfinylmethane; methyl sulfoxide; methyl sulphoxide; sulfinylbismethane
Links:🌍 Wikipedia, 📏 NIST, 📖 PubMed
MeSH:Antioxidants; Cryoprotective Agents; Protective Agents; Solvents
CAS RN:[67-68-5]
Formula:C2H6OS; 78.14 g/mol
Molecular structure of dimethyl sulfoxide
Density:1.102 g/mL
Molar volume:70.9 mL/mol
Refractive index:1.479
Molecular refractive power:20.12 mL/mol
Dielectric constant:46.68
Dipole moment:4.10 D
Melting point:18 °C
Boiling point:189 °C
Vapour pressure:1 Torr
Surface tension:43.70 dyn/cm
Viscosity:2.24 cP
Evaporation rate (ether):1,500.0
Solubility in water:100 % w/w
Solubility of water:100 % w/w
Log10 partition octanol / water:-1.35
Snyder P':7.2
Snyder X:Xe: 0.4    Xd: 0.2    Xn: 0.4
Solvent strength (ε0, silica):0.41
Solvent strength (ε0, alumina):0.62
Dimroth ET:45.1
Hildebrant solubility parameter (δ):13.0
Hansen solubility parameter:δd: 9.0 (cal/ml)^0.5   δp: 8.0 (cal/ml)^0.5   δh: 5.0 (cal/ml)^0.5
Specific heat capacity:36.0 cal/molK
Latent heat of fusion:3,221 cal/mol


dimethyl sulfoxide
Molecular structure of dimethyl sulfoxide
Molecular structure of 2-mercaptoethanol